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UNE-ISO 14416:2013 Information and documentation. Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library use. Methods and materials
UNE-ISO 14401-2:2011 Earth-moving machinery -- Field of vision of surveillance and rear-view mirrors -- Part 2: Performance criteria
UNE-ISO 14401-1:2010 Earth-moving machinery -- Field of vision of surveillance and rear-view mirrors -- Part 1: Test methods
UNE-ISO 14397-2:2008 Earth-moving machinery. Loaders and backhoe loaders. Part 2: Test method for measuring breakout forces and lift capacity to maximum likft height.
UNE-ISO 14397-1:2008 Earth-moving machinery -- Loaders and backhoe loaders -- Part 1: Calculation of rated operating capacity and test method for verifying calculated tipping load
UNE-ISO 1432:2013 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic -- Determination of low temperature stiffening (Gehman test)
UNE-ISO 1431-1:2017 Rubber, vulcanised or thermoplastic. Resistance to ozone cracking. Part 1: Static and dynamic strain testing
UNE-ISO 14230-1:2015 Road vehicles. Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line). Part 1: Physical layer.
UNE-ISO 14154:2009 Soil quality -- Determination of some selected chlorophenols -- Gas-chromatographic method with electron-capture detection
UNE-ISO 1407:2012 Rubber. Determination of solvent extract
UNE-ISO 14066:2012 Greenhouse gases. Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams.
UNE-ISO 14055-1:2018 Environmental management -- Guidelines for establishing good practices for combatting land degradation and desertification -- Part 1: Good practices framework