UNE-ISO 15359:2014 Paper and board. Determination of the static and kinetic coefficients of friction. Horizontal plane method
UNE-ISO 15176:2007 Soil quality -- Characterization of excavated soil and other soil materials intended for re-use
UNE-ISO 15161:2005 Guidelines on the application of ISO 9001:2000 for the food and drink industry.
UNE-ISO 15143-2:2012 Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery -- Worksite data exchange -- Part 2: Data dictionary
UNE-ISO 15143-1:2012 Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery -- Worksite data exchange -- Part 1: System architecture
UNE-ISO 15037-1:2013 Road vehicles. Vehicle dynamics test methods. Part 1: General conditions for passenger cars.
UNE-ISO 14869-1:2007 Soil quality. Dissolution for the determination of total element content. Part 1: Dissolution with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids. (ISO 14869-1:2001)
UNE-ISO 14861:2018 Graphic technology. Requirements for colour soft proofing systems
UNE-ISO 14785:2015 Tourist information offices - Tourist information and reception services - Requirements
UNE-ISO 14721:2015 Space data and information transfer systems. Open archival information system (OAIS). Reference model
UNE-ISO 14687:2006 Hydrogen fuel. Product specification (ISO 14687:1999 + ISO 14687:1999/Cor. 1:2001)
UNE-ISO 14641-1:2015 Electronic archiving. Part 1: Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation.