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Hardfacing Structures
Book by Welding Research Council, 1980
Materials Properties Council, Inc
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This microstructural collection was assembled by the WRC High Alloy Subcommittee on Hardfacing and Wear. An understanding of these typical structures should be useful to any researcher persuing the objectives outlined in the "Directory of Hardfacing and Wear Research topics".
Special thanks are extended to the task group on physical metallurgy and the following companies who contributed pictures for this collection:
Cabot Corporation
Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd.
Abex Corporation
Climax Molybdenum Company
Symbols used in this collection
Austenitic Buildup Alloys
Martensitic Buildup Alloys Chromium Carbide, Hardfacing Alloys
Cobalt-Base, Hardfacing Alloys
Nickel-Base, Hardfacing Alloys
Tungsten Carbide, Hardfacing Alloys
Intermetallic, Hardfacing Alloys
Etching Procedures