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ISO 10360-6:2001
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - Part 6: Estimation of errors in computing Gaussian associated featuresstandard by International Organization for Standardization, 12/01/2001
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This part of ISO 10360 specifies a method for testing software used for computing associated features from coordinate measurements. The features of concern are the line (in two and three dimensions), the plane, the circle (in two and three dimensions), the sphere, the cylinder, the cone and the torus.
One or more separate tests are required for each feature claimed to be covered by the software.
The test is of the software alone and therefore independent of the coordinate measuring system.
This part of ISO 10360 is concerned with complete features and non-extremely partial features; however, the test for complete features and that for partial features are separate, and software may be submitted for either or both tests.
Cones with very large apex angles are not covered by the test.