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This standard provides safety guidance for conducting subcritical neutron-multiplication measurements where physical protection of personnel against the consequences of a criticality accident is not provided. The objectives of in situ measurements are either to confirm an adequate safety margin or to improve an estimate of such a margin. The first objective may constitute a test of the criticality safety of a design that is based on calculations. The second may effect improved operating conditions by reducing the uncertainty of safety margins and providing guidance to new designs.
Author | ANS |
Editor | ANS |
Document type | Standard |
Format | File |
Confirmation date | 2017-08-24 |
ICS | 27.120.30 : Fissile materials and nuclear fuel technology |
Cross references | GB 15146.7 (1994), IDT |
Year | 1980 |
Document history | |
Country | USA |
Keyword | ANSI 8;ANSI/ANS 8;8;ANSI/ANS 8.6-1983 (R2017) |