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Description / Abstract: The present document defines the remote management of files and applets on the R-UIM / CSIM/ISIM.
It describes the APDU format for remote management.
Furthermore the document specifies:
- a set of commands coded according to this APDU structure and used in the remote file management on the R-UIM/CSIM/ISIM specified in X[1]X, X[2]X, X[3]X, X[6]X.
- a set of commands coded according to this APDU structure and used in the remote applet management on the R-UIM/CSIM. This is based on X[4]X.
The remote APDU structure for R-UIM/CSIM/ISIM applications shall comply with the one defined in X[4]X. The present document only contains additional requirements or explicit limitations for R-UIM/CSIM/ISIM applications.