Results from a series of bench-scale experiments and sampling of full-scale slow sandfilters (SSFs) confirmed a relationship between increased ripening time and increased biomass,protistan abundance, and E.coli removals. Additionally, several protist feeding experiments wereconducted and a bench-scale "seeding" to assess improvement of SSF performance wasperformed. Protistan predation studies showed that the percentage of ingested bacteria per protistexperiences a spike 0-2 hours after bacteria are introduced to protists from a SSF. The time ofyear, water temperature, and type of bacteria used in the study, whether indigenous or lab-cultured,have minor effects on predation. The seeding study showed increased protistanpopulations in some seeded filters and minor improvements to E.coli removal performance infilters that were initially unripened. Includes 14 references, tables, figures.
Product Details
Edition: Vol. - No. Published: 11/01/2008 Number of Pages: 14File Size: 1 file , 750 KB