This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of Pennsylvania American Water, andthe increasing need to reduce non-revenue water (NRW).Study components included: analyze the main break/leak database to identifycorrelations and trends in the occurrence of mainbreaks/leaks;establish metered zones to enhance the ability totrack non-revenue water;develop recommendations for reduced pressurezones in the distribution systems with the objective ofreducing the occurrence of breaks/leaks and to help reduceleakage;analyze the potential surge conditions created bythe operation of a primary High Service Pump Station andtheir potential impact on premature main failure and developrecommendations to control potential pressure surges; and,develop criteria to analyze the accuracy of smallmeters (2 inch and smaller) in the system. Includes figures.
Product Details
Edition: Vol. - No. Published: 11/01/2009 Number of Pages: 29File Size: 1 file , 5.7 MB