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ASD-STAN prEN 4608-001:2018

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ASD-STAN prEN 4608-001:2018

Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, fire resistant - Single and twisted multicore assembly, screened (braided) and jacketed - Operating temperatures between -65 °C and 260 °C - Part 001: Technical specification

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This standard specifies the required characteristics and test procedures for fire resistant or fire proof electrical cables for use in aircraft electrical systems. They shall be operated at a rated AC voltage of 600 V ac, a frequency of maximum 2000 Hz and a long term temperature of up to 260 °C (ambient temperature plus temperatures rise in conductor). These cables shall also maintain a specific dielectric strength when they are subjected to a flame of 1100 °C after five (5) minutes (fire resistant) or 15 minutes (fire proof) exposure.

Document type Draft
Format File
Edition P2
ICS 49.060 : Aerospace electric equipment and systems
Number of pages 12
Cross references PR NF L52-152-001, IDT
Year 2018
Document history ASD-STAN prEN 4608-001 (2018-01-01)
Country Belgium
Keyword ASD-STAN prEN 4608;ASD-STAN prEN 4608-1;ASD-STAN 4608;4608