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ASD S3000L:2014

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ASD S3000L:2014

International procedure specification for Logistic Support Analysis LSA; Issue 1.1

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S3000L describes the LSA process and the corresponding analysis activities to be considered for the definition and ongoing maintenance of a suitable support environment to operate technical complex and long-living products. Complementary to the procedural chapters of the specification, the corresponding data model is described by a detailed UML model based on ISO Standard 10303, AP239, PLCS. A schema has been derived from the UML model to enable the exchange of data.
Purpose of performing LSA
The specification S3000L is designed to cover the activities and requirements for the establishment of the LSA process
to create an Integrated Product Support solution;
to identify required resources to support a system;
to reduce costs;
to increase availability;
to exchange information between different parties;
and to store data and results for future reference;
in a structured and methodological way.
To ensure the maximum availability against the minimum costs of technically complex and long-living products, it is essential to identify the required resources and create a proper product support environment from the beginning of the product usage phase. An extensive analysis process must be established to cover the support requirements for the complete life cycle. This process ensures the consideration of all product support requirements during the design and development phase, the in-service phase and finally during the disposal phase.
LSA activities cover a wide range of technical and logistic analyses and the documentation of the results. The outcome form the basis for the subsequent disciplines within the ILS (Integrated Logistic Support) process like technical documentation or materiel support.
The specification S3000L is designed to provide guidance for analysis activities during the LSA process.
A schema derived from of the S3000L UML model and a detailed data element list enables the storage and exchange of information using XML files. A set of ‘valid values’ schemas are provided to support the tailoring of the data set and adaptation to the program requirements. The following aspects are included:
S3000L supports the design of an LSA process in the initial project phases including the performance of an LSA Guidance Conference
S3000L provides rules for the creation of a suitable product breakdown and for the selection of LSA candidate items
S3000L describes type and methodology for specified analysis activities
S3000L provides guidelines on how to process the results of the different analysis activities and on how to achieve a cost-efficient support concept
S3000L describes the interface to the customer within the LSA process
S3000L covers the interface between the LSA process and the analysis activities of the support engineering areas like Reliability, Maintainability and Testability analysis (RM&T)
S3000L describes the interface between the LSA process and the ILS disciplines, which provide the ILS products like:
Personnel and training requirements
Spare parts and consumables support
Technical documentation
Special support and test equipment
Facilities/infrastructure requirements
Software support requirements
S3000L describes the identification of maintenance tasks and the Maintenance Task Analysis

Author ASD (Aerospace and Defence Association of Europe) and AIA (Aerospace Industries Association) r
Document type Draft
Format File
Edition 1.1
ICS 03.100.10 : Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics
Number of pages 618
Replace ASD S3000L (2010-04-01)
Year 2014
Document history ASD S3000L (2014-07-01)
Country Belgium
Keyword S3000L