The recently proposed Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts (D/DBP) Rule includes maximum contaminant levels for DBPs and maximum residual disinfectant levels for major disinfectants which are intended to provide protection against the potential adverse health effects associated with D/DBPs. A treatment requirement was also proposed to address the removal of natural organic matter (NOM), one of the main precursors of DBP formation. The treatment techniques that provide additional NOM removal, as measured by total organic carbon (TOC), are termed enhanced coagulation and enhanced precipitative softening. At the time of the proposed rule, however, no comprehensive database existed to determine the appropriate TOC percent removal numbers for enhanced coagulation. To ensure a sound scientific basis for the proposed enhanced coagulation and enhanced softening requirements, AWWA funded a study to compile a national database on these two treatment techniques. This paper presents a summary of efforts made to compile this national database. The use of the database to determine the enhanced coagulation requirements of the D/DBP Rule is also addressed.
Product Details
Published: 01/01/1997 ISBN(s): 0898679583 Number of Pages: 8 File Size: 1 file , 74 KB