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AWWA WQTC58801 Development of Alternate Means for Validation of UV Reactors

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003

Valade, Matthew; Rokjer, David; Peters, Richard; Keesler, Deborah; Borsykowsky, Michael

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This paper presents a cost-saving, practical alternative to full-scale testing of large-scale ultraviolet (UV)disinfection facilities. The approach described is based on New York City's planning for what is expected to bethe world's largest UV disinfection facility, with a capacity of nearly two billion gallons per day, for the Catskilland Delaware water supplies. In lieu of conventional testing, for which no facilities currently exist, computermodels have been applied using a combination of light-intensity distribution and computational fluid dynamicsmodels, to test and validate 20-mgd UV reactors. Both low-pressure, high-output and medium-pressure reactorshave been evaluated, to determine the optimal equipment in terms of cost and practicality. It is anticipated that thecomputer models will reliably predict the performance and efficacy of UV reactors, and pave the way forregulatory approval for design of a full-scale facility. Includes 8 references, tables, figures.