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AWWA WQTC58807 Critical Review of Emerging Technologies for Rapid Detection of Drinking Water Contaminants

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003

Bartrand, Timothy A.; Haas, Charles; Huang, Weilin

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Parallel with new security-related detection needs for water utilities, research in rapid detectiontechniques for both chemical and biological contaminants is on the verge of producing easy, fast detectionof many contaminants. This paper identifies contaminants that may be used in intentional releases intopotable water systems, reviews currently available techniques for detecting those contaminants, exploresemerging detection technologies and recommends a course of action for water utilities developing amonitoring program. The contaminants identified in the literature as potential threats to potable water arediverse and include spore-forming and non-sporulating bacteria, DNA and RNA virsuses, protozoa andbiological toxins, chemical warfare agents, organic chemicals and inorganic chemicals. The generalfeatures by which contaminants may be judged as potential threats are presented. Among detectors ofreplicating biological agents, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based methods stand out as the onlycurrently available technology capable of detecting the diversity of agents identified as potentialcontaminants at the sensitivity and in the time frame required. In the absence of a single chemicaldetector for detection of all potential contaminants, it is recommended that utilities purchase equipmentsuch as chemiluminescence or bioluminescence test kits for field testing in the event of a suspectedrelease and develop pilot monitoring programs to pave the way for implementation of improved chemicalmonitors as they are developed. Includes 47 references, tables, figures.