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AWWA SOURCES59171 Texas 2003 Reuse Rules Revisions

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/11/2004

Schenk, Roger, Jr.; Plummer, Alan H.; Vandertulip, Don

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In Texas, Chapter 210 (30 TAC 210), Use of Reclaimed Water Regulations of the TexasCommission on Environmental Quality rules have been the guide for Reuse applications since1997. Subchapter E relating to Industrial Reuse Authorization has recently been revised byTCEQ. A sub-committee of the Texas-AWWA Water Conservation and Reuse Division hasbeen active in identifying Rule Revisions the sub-committee believe are appropriate due to perceivedimplementation constraints and technological advances. This paper presents the basis of changeproposed by the subcommittee. While some changes may be specific to Texas, the Committee isutilizing their member participation in the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Guidelines for Water Reuse revisions to focuson the technical changes that are identifying new "emerging contaminants" almost daily.Definition of appropriate water quality levels is also being addressed to reflect quality levelsadopted by other States and those levels identified in the USEPA Guidelines. Includes tables.