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AWWA SOURCES59179 Near-Term Forecasting of Surface Water Supplies for a Regional Water Utility

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/11/2004

Lantrip, Janice; Griffin, Mitchell; Aly, Alaa

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Tampa Bay Water, Florida's largest wholesale water supplier, is required to cut backgroundwater pumping from 158 million gallons per day (mgd) to 121 mgd in 2003, with furtherreductions to 90 mgd by 2008. To meet the new groundwater pumping limits, it was necessary for TampaBay Water to start using alternative supply sources including surface waters. In September 2002, newsurface water supplies from the Hillsborough River/Tampa Bypass Canal system (HRTBC) werebrought online. Tampa Bay Water utilizes an integrated hydrologic simulation model and anoptimization model to manage pumpage from groundwater and surface water facilities. Weeklystreamflow forecasting is required for estimating treated surface water availability for input into theoptimization model. This paper describes the development of a suite of computer modeling tools thatforecast daily flows and levels for a one-week period at key locations along the HRTBC. Includes 14 references, figures.