In 2003, 19 water providers and other agencies in North America sponsored theMaximum Performance (MaP) Testing of Popular Toilet Models, an element of whichincluded the measurement of flush volumes for original and after-market flappers on over 50different toilet models. That element is the subject of this paper. A listing of sponsors of the program is provided in the paper, along with a discussion of three specific tests involving flappers and flush volumes that included these methods: measuring the "out-of-the-box" flush volume with the fixture assembled in accordancewith the manufacturer's instructions as provided in the manufacturer's packaging and withthe OEM (original equipment manufacturer) flapper installed;the OEM flapper was replaced, where possible, with a commonly available standard aftermarketreplacement flapper and the resulting flush volume was then measured and recorded; and,the OEM flapper was replaced, where possible, with each one of the three different types ofadjustable flappers to determine the appropriate setting (dial or insert) to maintain 1.6-gpf/6.0-lpf. Includes tables.
Product Details
Edition: Vol. - No. Published: 01/11/2004 Number of Pages: 11 File Size: 1 file , 320 KB