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A research project, funded by AwwaRF and the California Energy Commission (CEC),has been conducted to develop a treatment technique that reduces energy consumptionand treatment costs for inland desalination with zero liquid discharge (ZLD). The projecttitle is Zero Liquid Discharge and Volume Minimization for Inland Desalination and thefinal report will be issued in 2007. In ZLD desalination the concentrate is treated toproduce desalinated water and essentially dry salts, and there is no discharge of liquidwaste from the site.The technical approach involved treating the concentrate from a primary RO in afluidized bed crystallizer to remove recovery limiting salts, then passing the treatedconcentrate through a secondary RO for further recovery. After the secondary RO thetotal recovery for most brackish water applications is expected to be 95 to 99 percent.The final concentrate volume would thus be reduced to a flow where evaporation ponds,enhanced evaporation systems, or thermal desalination become feasible for finalseparation of water from the salts.The research methodology included computer modeling, bench-scale testing, and pilot-scaletesting. Testing was conducted on groundwater, surface water, finished water, andreclaimed water provided by the project utility partners, City of Phoenix, SouthernNevada Water Authority (SNWA), City of Scottsdale, Beverly Hills, and San AntonioWater System (SAWS). The project approach and some of the bench-scale results arediscussed in this paper. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.