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AWWA WKICO66047 Perchlorate Removal from Waters by Weak Base Anionic Ion Exchange Resins and Regenerant Solution Treatment

Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2008

Vieira, Adriano; Batista, Jacimaria R.; Mulkey, Thomas; Gingras, Tina

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This powerpoint presentation begins by listing drivers for removing perchlorate from water that include:a significant amount of the groundwaterresources have been contaminated;a large portion of the water supply for publicdrinking water treatment systems is obtainedfrom these groundwater sources; and,several states have set provisional drinking waterstandard for perchlorate. The most promising technologies are presented forPerchlorate removal and includeion-exchange (IX), andbiological reduction. Residual waste solutions, hybrid system, design of hybrid system, andcapital and operating costs are presented.Conclusions: waste brines contain several ions (I.e. nitrate)that will compete with perchlorate - more carbonsource needed;ammonia can be effectively stripped to avoidtoxicity;hybrid system is cost competitive; and,it eliminates perchlorate from the environment,significantly reducing the risk of future liability. Includes tables, figures.