This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of Decision Support Systems (DSS), and DSS applications to water supply. Project drivers for DSS are provided, along with the Bluegrass Water Supply Consortium's (BWSC's) Regional Water System Feasibility Study (2004) that included 17 water utilities and agencies in central Kentucky. The comprehensive study addressed:additional source and treatment;transmission / delivery;new organization;financing plan for $260 million program; and,extensive public outreach. Project objectives included: highly reliable sources of supply;available within three to five years;optimize regional water supplies through a grid network;implement a management/ownership approach which is fairand flexible;affordable financial plan that fairly apportions costs; and,effectively communicate the process and findings. Project highlights included:comparing raw water sourcesagainst projected demands;developing and evaluating 40 rawwater supply alternatives for permitting; producing detailed engineering studiesfor most feasible alternatives;developing grid network; identifying financing plan; and,extensive regulatory agencyinteraction.
Product Details
Edition: Vol. - No. Published: 02/01/2008 Number of Pages: 41 File Size: 1 file , 3.5 MB