Up-and-coming water professionals areexperiencing frustration in the workplacebecause traditional water managementapplies a single problem/single solutionapproach to challenges. The new generationof water leaders believes that if water challengesare not viewed in a holistic and integratedway, effective solutions cannot befound. To address this gap between currentpractice and needed change, these water professionalsare returning to the classroom toacquire the tools that will make them trulyeffective in their work. As they move backinto the workplace, they will bring with thema new way of approaching water management,creating teams on which all professionalsinvolved directly or indirectly with water,environmental, and human issues will worktogether to develop solutions that will besustainable and effective for the future. Inaddition, this new approach to water managementwill address social inequities andinjustice as well as the long-term survival ofthe human race and the planet.