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S50 -- Thermal Storage (SI)
Book by ASHRAE,
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Thermal storage systems remove heat from or add heat to a storagemedium for use at another time. Thermal energy storage (TES) for HVAC and/ordomestic water-heating applications can involve various temperatures associatedwith heating or cooling. High-temperature storage is typically associated withsolar energy or high-temperature heating, and cool storage withair-conditioning, refrigeration, or cryogenic-temperature processes. Energy maybe charged, stored, and discharged daily, weekly, annually, or in seasonal orrapid batch process cycles. Fast-acting and/or grid-interactive energy storagesystems can provide balancing services and other critical needs of the electricgrid, such as frequency control and renewable energy integration. Thesegrid-interactive systems dynamically couple consumer energy usage to the gridsreal-time needs. Historically, thermal storage has been used for comfort andprocess heating and cooling applications as a way to reduce the total utility billand/or size of heating and cooling equipment. Dorgan and Elleson (1993) covercool storage issues and design parameters in detail.
Sensible Thermal Storage TechnologyISBN: 978-1-947192-53-9 (for SI versions of chapters)
ISSN: 1930-7705 (for SI versions of chapters)
Citation: 2020 ASHRAE Handbook -- HVAC Systems and Equipment