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3237 -- Development of Air-Cooled Double-Effect Gas-Fired Absorption Water Chiller-Heater
Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1989
S. Kurosawa, S. Fujimaki
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Applying air-cooling to a water.lithium bromide system--the only pair of working fluids that realizes a double.effect absorption cycle--has been said to be impossible. Since the absorption cycle temperature is high, the solution concentration is at the point of crystallization, and the corrosiveness of fithium bromide to steel is increased, this cycle lies beyond the limits of practical use. And since the efficiency of the heat exchange of an aircooled absorber is low, the machine size becomes too large. We have, however, succeeded in developing an aircooled, double-effect, gas-fired absorption water chillerheater by means of an air-cooled absorber with the function of ideal counterflow heat exchange, and we constructed a 70 k W machine and conducted a field test in the summer of 1987.
Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 95, pt. 1, Chicago 1989