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4407 (RP-824) -- Modeling Frost Characteristics on Heat Exchanger Fins: Part I, Numerical Model
Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 2000
Hong Chen, Leena Thomas, Robert W. Besant, P.Eng. Fellow ASHRAE
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A numerical model for predicting frost growth on plate-finheat exchangers is presented. The model treats the frost growthas a porous media that is transient and one-dimensional andincludes transient, two-dimensional heat conduction in thefins. As a result, frost properties vary over the fin surfaces. It is found that for a constant air flow rate through the heatexchanger over a four-hour period, the blockage of air flowresulting from the frost growth increases the pressure dropacross the heat exchanger by up to a factor of 8, while heattransfer rate decreases by only 20%.
Also paper MN-00-6-1, in MN-00-6, Symposium on Advances in Thermal and Fluid Fow Charateristics of HVAC and Refrigeration Processes
Units: Dual
Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 106, pt. 2