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AWWA WQTC57092UV Disinfection at a Finished Water Reservoir; The "In's and Out's" of Albany's New UV FacilityConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Simcoe, William D.; Daviero, Gregory J.; Yonkin, Matthew C.
AWWA WQTC57091Applying High-Tech Solutions to Historically Low-Tech Groundwater Supplies Now Reclassified as GWIConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002McAlpin, Carolyn; Harris, Greg; Nelson, Robin; Nielsen, Kevin
AWWA WQTC57090Computer Modeling of UV Reactors for Validation PurposesConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Rokjer, David; Valade, Matthew; Keesler, Deborah; Borsykowsky, Michael
AWWA WQTC57089Operating Data From Henderson's Full-Scale UV Disinfection FacilityConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Swaim, Paul D.; Morine, Michael A.; Brauer, Rodney G.; Neher, Michael A.; Gebhart, Jeff L.; Bellamy, William D.
AWWA WQTC57088Use of Biodosimetry in Evaluation UV System PerformanceConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Jesky, Jerry, Jr.; Gang, Daniel Dianchen; Clevenger, Thomas E.; Segar, Robert L., Jr.; Crosby, Dan; Brazos, Blaise
AWWA WQTC57087What Happens When the Lights Go Out? Issues Surrounding UV Lamps and Potential Mercury ReleasesConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Hafer, Jennifer; Cotton, Christine; Malley, James; Schmelling, Dan
AWWA WQTC57086Rejection of Heavy Metals by Reverse Osmosis MembranesConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Braghetta, Anne H.; Trussell, Celine; Price, Michael
AWWA WQTC57085Follow-up of a Nanofiltration Drinking Water Treatment Plant During the Third Year of OperationConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Bele, Cecile; Jacq, Gaelle; Plottu-Pecheux, Anne; Demoncrate, Christian; Gatel, Dominique; Cavard, Jacques
AWWA WQTC57084Nanofiltration to Augment Conventional Treatment for Removal of Algal Toxins, Taste and Odor Compounds, and Natural Organic MatterConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Smith, Daniel P.; Falls, Vincent; Levine, Audrey D.; MacLeod, Bruce;...
AWWA WQTC57083Membrane Manufacturer & Utility Implement Non-Traditional Membrane Acceptance TestingConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Spangenberg, Carl W.; Duranceau, Steve; Kutilek, John
AWWA WQTC57082Gravity-Driven MF/UF Membrane FiltrationConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Freeman, Scott; O'Toole, Gerald; Ratnayaka, Don; Veerapaneni, Srinivas
AWWA WQTC57070An Overview of the New EPA Methods for the Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts RuleConference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002Pepich, Barry V.; Wagner, Herbert P.; Domino, Mark M.; Dattilio, Teri A.; Fair, Patricia S.; Hautman, Daniel P.; Munch,...