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UNE-ISO 11338-1:2006 Stationary source emissions -- Determination of gas and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons -- Part 1: Sampling. (ISO 11338-1:2003)
UNE-ISO 11271:2007 Soil quality -- Determination of redox potential -- Field method. (ISO 11271:2002)
UNE-ISO 1126:2013 Rubber compounding ingredients — Carbon black — Determination of loss on heating
UNE-ISO 11266:2006 Soil quality -- Guidance on laboratory testing for biodegradation of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic conditions (ISO 11266:1994)
UNE-ISO 11222:2005 Air quality -- Determination of the uncertainty of the time average of air quality measurements
UNE-ISO 11107:2010 Recreational diving services -- Requirements for training programmes on enriched air nitrox (EAN) diving
UNE-ISO 11093-6:2017 Paper and board. Testing of cores. Part 6: Determination of bending strength by the three-point method
UNE-ISO 11093-2:2015 Paper and board. Testing of cores. Part 2: Conditioning of test samples
UNE-ISO 11056:2018 Sensory analysis -- Methodology -- Magnitude estimation method
UNE-ISO 11048:2007 Soil quality -- Determination of water-soluble and acid-soluble sulfate. (ISO 11048:1995)
UNE-ISO 11037:2013 Sensory analysis. Guidelines for sensory assessment of the colour of products.
UNE-ISO 1087-2:2009 Terminology work. Vocabulary. Part 2: Computer applications