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UNE-ISO/TR 15801:2008 IN Electronic imaging -- Information stored electronically -- Recommendations for trustworthiness and reliability
UNE-ISO/TR 14069:2015 IN Greenhouse gases -- Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions for organizations -- Guidance for the application of ISO 14064-1
UNE-ISO/TR 14062:2007 IN Environmental management. Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development. (ISO/TR 14062:2002)
UNE-ISO/TR 13028:2011 IN Information and documentation. Implementation guidelines for digitization of records.
UNE-ISO/TR 12885:2010 IN Nanotechnologies. Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies
UNE-ISO/TR 12603:2018 IN Building construction machinery and equipment — Classification
UNE-ISO/TR 11773:2016 IN Global distribution of reference materials
UNE-ISO/TR 10989:2014 IN Reference materials - guidance on, and keywords of, RM categorization
UNE-ISO/TR 10017:2004 Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000
UNE-ISO/PAS 17005:2009 IN Conformity assessment . Use of management systems. Principles and requirements
UNE-ISO/PAS 17004:2006 IN Conformity assessment. Disclosure of information. Principles and requirements
UNE-ISO/PAS 17003:2006 IN Conformity assessment - Complaints and appeals -- Principles and requirements