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UNE-ISO 23081-2:2011 Information and documentation -- Records management processes -- Metadata for records -- Part 2: Conceptual and implementation issues.
UNE-ISO 23081-1:2018 Information and documentation -- Records management processes -- Metadata for records -- Part 1: Principles.
UNE-ISO 230-7:2008 Test code for machine tools -- Part 7: Geometric accuracy of axes of rotation
UNE-ISO 230-4:2008 Test code for machine tools - Part 4: Circular test for numerically controlled machine tools.
UNE-ISO 230-3:2010 Machine tools. Test code for machine tools. Part 3: Determination of thermal effects.
UNE-ISO 230-2:2016 Test code for machine tools -- Part 2: Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled axes
UNE-ISO 230-1:2014 Machine-tools. Test code for machine tools -- Part 1: Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or quasi-static conditions
UNE-ISO 230-10:2016 Test code for machine tools -- Part 10: Determination of the measuring performance of probing systems of numerically controlled machine tools.
UNE-ISO 2285:2019 Rubber, vulcanised or thermoplastic. Determination of tension set under constant elongation, and of tension set, elongation and creep under constant tensile load
UNE-ISO 22734-1:2012 Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process. Part 1: Industrial and commercial applications
UNE-ISO 226:2013 Acoustics -- Normal equal-loudness-level contours
UNE-ISO 22634:2013 Cigarettes -- Determination of benzo[a]pyrene in cigarette mainstream smoke -- Method using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry