No products
ASD-STAN prEN 4523 (12/31/1998) Metallic materials - Test methods - Compression testing
ASD-STAN prEN 4522 (12/31/1998) Metallic materials - Test methods - Pin-type bearing test of yield strength
ASD-STAN prEN 4502 (06/30/2000) Washers, flat, for riveting, in heat resisting steel FE-PA4901 (Multimet), inch based series
ASD-STAN prEN 4496:2019 Aerospace series — Screws, 100° countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating — Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 °C
ASD-STAN prEN 4476 (05/30/2018) Aerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Polyurethane - Cold curing intermediate coat
ASD-STAN prEN 4457 (02/26/1999) Aluminium alloy AL-P7475-T7351 Plate 6 mm < a < 100 mm
ASD-STAN prEN 4419 (11/28/1997) Washers,chamfered, with counterbore, in alloy steel, cadmium plated
ASD-STAN prEN 4404 (04/30/2009) Rivets, solid, universal head, in titanium alloy Ti 44,5 Cb, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series
ASD-STAN prEN 4403 (04/30/2009) Rivets, solid, 100° countersunk normal head, in titanium alloy Ti 44,5 Cb, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series
ASD-STAN prEN 4400-6 (08/31/2003) Aerospace series - Aluminium, aluminium- and magnesium- alloy products - Technical Specification - Part 6: Aluminium alloy forging stock
ASD-STAN prEN 4361 (04/30/2009) Rivets, solid, 100° countersunk reduced head with dome, in aluminium alloy 5056A, anodized or chromated, metric series
ASD-STAN prEN 4290 (12/31/1998) Aluminium alloy AL-P2219 - Forging stock