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AASHTO R 28-06Standard Practice for Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV)standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials,
AASHTO R 27-01 (2015)Standard Practice for Assessment of Corrosion of Steel Piling for Non-Marine Applicationsstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2001
AASHTO R 26-01 (2013)Standard Practice for Certifying Suppliers of Performance-Graded Asphalt Bindersstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2001
AASHTO R 25-18Standard Practice for Technician Training and Qualification Programsstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2018
AASHTO R 25-00 (2013)Standard Practice for Technician Training and Qualification Programsstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2000
AASHTO R 24-99 (2018)Standard Recommended Practice for Collection and Preservation of Water Samplesstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 08/01/2008
AASHTO R 23-99 (2018)Standard Practice for Chemical, Biological, and Physical Analysis of Waterstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 1999
AASHTO R 22-97 (2015)Standard Practice for Decommissioning Geotechnical Exploratory Boreholesstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 1997
AASHTO R 21-96 (2015)Standard Practice for Drilling for Subsurface Investigations---Unexpectedly Encountering Suspected Hazardous Materialstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 1996
AASHTO R 20-99 (2017)Standard Recommended Practice for Procedures for Measuring Highway Noisestandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 1999
AASHTO R 20-99 (2008)Standard Recommended Practice for Procedures for Measuring Highway Noisestandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 08/01/1999
AASHTO R 18-18Standard Recommended Practice for Establishing and Implementing a Quality System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratoriesstandard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2018