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ANS 6.6.1:2015 Calculation and Measurement of Direct and Scattered Radiation from LWR Nuclear Power Plants
ANS 6.4:2006 (R2016) Nuclear Analysis and Design of Concrete Radiation Shielding for Nuclear Power Plants
ANS 6.4.2:2006 (R2016) Specification for Radiation Shielding Materials
ANS 6.3.1:1987 (R2015) Program for Testing Radiation Shields in Light Water Reactors (LWR)
ANS 6.1.2:2013 Neutron and Gamma-Ray Cross Sections for Nuclear Radiation Protection and Shielding Calculations for Nuclear Power Plants
ANS 59.52:1998 (R2015) Lubricating Oil Systems for Safety-Related Emergency Diesel Generators
ANS 59.51:1997 (R2015) Fuel Oil Systems for Safety-Related Emergency Diesel Generators
ANS 58.9:2002 (R2015) Single Failure Criteria for Light Water Reactor Safety-Related Fluid Systems
ANS 58.8:1994 (R2017) Time Response Design Criteria for Safety-Related Operator Actions
ANS 58.3:1992 (R2018) Physical Protection for Nuclear Safety-Related Systems and Components
ANS 58.16:2014 Safety Categorization and Design Criteria for Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities
ANS 58.14:2011 (R2017) Safety and Pressure Integrity Classification Criteria for Light Water Reactors